Beach Straško, is it that good?

Spending time in our camp will inevitably mean you are going to spend time on the beach called Straško. Is that beach really that good? Well, here are some points that can potentially help you make up your own mind if the beach is nice or not so much.

Pay to enter?

First of all, before you even enter the beach you have to pay a fee. That fact alone raises the bar on who will enter the beach. We don’t yet know if this will change in season 2022, but if it does, we will update you.

Some may find this fee offensive, but would you rather go to a crowded dinky beach, or pay for entrance to a superb beach. We can hope that some of this money will be reinvested into the beach so that it is kept clean with working showers, changing cabins, and other amenities.

How long is it?

Beaches in Croatia aren’t as long as some of the beaches in Spain for example. So when you see a 2km beach, it’s not such a common sight. Well, Straško beach is just that! If you want to walk the entire distance of it, and you are out of shape, the walk will do you good. Hm… Walking? Why walking? Try swimming this distance!

Pebbles and sand!

Straško beach is a nice combination of pebbles and sand. Small pebbles where you keep your towels and clothes, and sand when you go into the sea. If you ask me, that’s probably the best of both worlds! I usually avoid sandy beaches (I’ll go once or twice during summer) because the sand gets everywhere, and it’s tough to clean yourself at the end of the day.

But as you would expect, the sand is easier to walk on.

Blue flag

Year after year, you can see the blue flag fluttering as it is being awarded by
The iconic Blue Flag is one of the world’s most recognized voluntary awards for beaches, marinas, and sustainable boating tourism operators. In order to qualify for the Blue Flag, a series of stringent environmental, educational, safety, and accessibility criteria must be met and maintained.